Monday, April 25, 2016

Legend of My Hometown- Kanlaon City

Moon Princess animation by Verbeley

There lived once upon a time, goes the first legend, Princess Laon whose rare beauty was admired and adored by princes and men of note far and wide. Kang, a handsome prince whose physical prowess gained respect of all natives came along. Now sooner, they met, and then love captivated both their hearts. Their love flourishes as Kang unveil his desire to marry Laon, her father steadfastly rejects Kang’s proposal.



Kang knew that his and Laon’s father were bitter enemies. The two lovers elope but were captured and condemned to die in the wilderness. Years passed, the mound beneath in which Kang and Laon were buried together rose up into a mighty mountain belching forth smoke and fire as if in defiance. People then called this volcano Kanglaon or Kanlaon for euphony in memory of the two unfortunate lovers.

Legend of Mt. Kanlaon


In the days of yore, runs another legend, King Mamagtal the supreme ruler of Buglas (Negros) established his kingdom in Buglasan (Budlasan) not far from this place. He and his mighty hands worshipped a deity whose beauty and wisdom no mortal could equal. She had power over life and death. They called her Laon and the mountain they believed to be her abode was also called Kan-Laon or Kanlaon in her honor. Ka is the oldest visayan word for Kay, which means "for". Hence, Kanlaon or Kay Laon means "For Laon."

For now, Kanlaon City has been one of the most developed city in Negros Island Region. Recently, the Mt. Kanlaon had been active for few weeks but the residents are safe. They also have a new spotted resort now, aside from the Mt. Kanlaon itself and the Whistka Tree. 


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